Website Design & Development
Shopify Install & Development
Shopify Account Management
Product Listing & Management
Maintenance & Security
Copywriting & Content Updates
Digital Media
Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest
Email Marketing
Analytics & Reporting

Shopify Account Management

Your Shopify store is managed by our professional team. You will input or adjust prices, costs, and other critical data. Our team handles any deficiencies, superficial problems, revisions, and changes required in the store.

Website Design & Development

We conduct WordPress installations and integrate themes according to technical specifications. Themes are enhanced for optimal design quality. Data is integrated into the theme appropriately. Following these steps, graphic operations are performed and suitable content is created for the relevant areas. Throughout this process, everything is technically optimised to be Google-friendly and SEO-compliant. The process concludes with the creation of SEO articles, visual SEO descriptions, and optimisations to finalise the website development.

Shopify Install & Development

We select and install a technically and visually rich theme for your Shopify store. Our team provides all technical support during the installation process. The infrastructure is prepared to be marketing and SEO-friendly. Code interventions are made for performance. Finally, graphic design operations complete the website, ready for product listing.

Product Listing & Management

Our professional team adds your products to the website in a Google-friendly manner. Once you finalise pricing and cost information, SEO-compliant and professional descriptions are written. Providing detailed information about the products will enhance these descriptions. Any necessary updates related to product innovations, information, or visuals are managed by our team.

Website Maintenance & Security

Maintenance, updates, and performance settings of your website are managed by our professional technical team. As long as there are no issues stemming from the theme or infrastructure (Shopify & WordPress), all technical problems are resolved by us. Website maintenance and performance tasks are conducted weekly and monthly. An SSL certificate is installed for security, and a cookies policy is established to protect user privacy, complying with consumer rights laws.


Our digital marketing process includes ongoing SEO activities. Depending on our agreement, activities include at least one backlink per month (content and design are provided by us), one link building session (manually conducted by our SEO team), and at least two blog posts per month (crafted by our copywriting team to be SEO-compliant, designed, and added to the website). Internal content is enriched, and internal SEO is continuously monitored, with additional SEO-enhancing tasks performed monthly; these include FAQs, Sitemaps, Search Console monitoring, Keyword Analysis, and targeted SEO campaigns.

Copywriting & Content Updates

Website text content is written by our professional team of copywriters and content producers. All content is written to be Google-friendly and SEO-compliant.

Digital Media Ads

(Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest)

Our professional, certified ADS team, also a Google Partner, manages your digital advertisements in a measurable and professional manner. Correct marketing strategies are formulated for your ads, and content is created according to these strategies. The advertising process is continuously monitored, with detailed analyses performed periodically. These analyses enable us to achieve accurate results, helping us enhance our campaigns and reduce cost-per-click.

Google Ads & PPC anagement Services

What Is A Google AdWords PPC Campaign?

AdWords is a Google service that enables companies to advertise their business at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). You pay every time a user clicks on your advert. It is a fantastic way to earn quality traffic and compete against the competition. We help you target relevant keywords that won’t waste your money or time and build a campaign devoted to reaching your goals.

PPC Management Services

To start with, you may need an account to be set up, including keyword research, ad creation, and setting up of conversion tracking. If you already have an active Google Ads account, we will review and audit the existing account. Our ongoing management service includes ongoing testing of ads, keywords, and website landing pages, ongoing optimization and analysis of bid prices, keywords, ads, and ad extensions, as well as regular reporting and review meetings with you.

Email Marketing

 If you have customer data or a mailing list of your target audience, we create brand-appropriate email templates and develop strategies to effectively reach our targets through email marketing. We analyse email outcomes to improve conversions and achieve better results, with our marketing and design teams working actively throughout the month.

Analytics and Reporting

At the end of each month, our technical and marketing teams analyse the data and activities, creating reports. These reports are delivered to you in the first week of each new month